Opencv – Color edge detection + opencv

emgucvimage processingopencv

In the canny edge detector the input required is a gray image…

Is there any direct color edge detector function in open-cv ? Or is it same if i convert to gray scale and use canny ?

I ask this because I need to see the edge detection map of a color image for further processing… That is I need to calculate all the horizontal and vertical line segments in a color image… Thus i was thinking of first calculating all edges of the image …

Can someone help me how i should progress …

Best Answer

Matthias Odisio is correct thanks you even corrected me and you've explained the reason very well. The solution then would be to perform edge detection on each colour spectrum:

 Image<Bgr, Byte> img  = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(open.FileName);
 Image<Bgr, Byte> Result = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(img.Size);
 Result[0] = img[0].Canny(new Gray(10), new Gray(60));
 Result[1] = img[0].Canny(new Gray(10), new Gray(60));
 Result[2] = img[0].Canny(new Gray(10), new Gray(60));

Hope this helps,
