Orthographic Projection in Modern OpenGL


I'd like to set up an orthographic projection using only modern OpenGL techniques (i.e. no immediate-mode stuff). I'm seeing conflicting info on the web about how to approach this.

Some people are saying that it's still OK to call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) and then glOrtho. This has always worked for me in the past, but I'm wondering if this has been deprecated in modern OpenGL.

If so, are vertex shaders the standard way to do an orthographic projection nowadays? Does GLSL provide a handy built-in function to set up an orthographic projection, or do I need to write that math myself in the vertex shader?

Best Answer

If so, are vertex shaders the standard way to do an orthographic projection nowadays?

Not quite. Vertex shaders perform the calculations, but the transformation matrices are usually fed into the shader through a uniform. A shader should only evaluate things, that vary with each vertex. Implementing a "ortho" function, the returns a projection matrix in GLSL is counterproductive.

I'd like to set up an orthographic projection using only modern OpenGL techniques (i.e. no immediate-mode stuff). I'm seeing conflicting info on the web about how to approach this.

The matrix stack of OpenGL before version 3 has nothing to do with the immediate mode. Immediate mode was glBegin(…); for(…){ ...; glVertex(…);} glEnd(). And up to OpenGL version 3 is was rather common to use the matrices specified through the matrix stack in a vertex shader.

With OpenGL-3 it was aimed to do, what was originally planned for OpenGL-2: A unification of the API and removing old cruft. One of those things removed was the matrix stack. Many shaders already used more than the standard matrices already, anyway (like for example for skeletal animation), so matrices already had been passed as uniforms and the programs did already contain the whole matrix math code. Taking the step of remocing the matrix math stuff from OpenGL-3 was just the next logical step.

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