Pane Title in Tmux

command linepanetitletmux

On my local machine I've got 3 node.js instances running simultaneously. Each has it's own pane in a tmux window called "servers". The problem is that it's not that easy to figure out which node is running in which pane, 'cause their logs are similar.

What I need is a title for every pane. As I got, tmux itself doesn't have the feature: it has only titles for windows and not for panes. Launching a separate tmux session inside every pane for every node.js instance looks like an overkill.

So is there some small program that launches a command, wrapping its output with a specified status bar?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

This functionality has been added to tmux in this commit. It is not in version 2.2, but it looks like it will be in 2.3.

To enable it:

tmux set -g pane-border-status top

or if you prefer:

tmux set -g pane-border-status bottom

To set a custom text as your pane border status line you can make use of pane-border-format, e.g. like so:

tmux set -g pane-border-format "#{pane_index} #{pane_current_command}"
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