Perl – Can’t locate object method via package subclassing DBI


this is my first foray into subclassing with perl and I am wondering why I am getting this simple error…
"Can't locate object method "prepare" via package "WebDB::st" at /home/dblibs/ line 19.". It seems to find the module WebDB ok, but not the prepare subroutine in ::st
First here's my package (both packages are in one file,

package WebDB;
use strict;
use DBI;

sub connect {
    my $dbh = (DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:test:", "root","",
                    { PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 0 }));
    return bless $dbh, 'WebDB::st';

package WebDB::st;
our @ISA = qw(::st);
sub prepare {
    my ($self, $str, @args) = @_;
    $self->SUPER::prepare("/* userid:$ENV{USER} */ $str", @args);


I also tried replacing the "our @ISA = qw(;;st)" with "use base 'WebDB'" and same problem.
I'm thinking it's probably something very simple that I'm overlooking. Many thanks! Jane

Best Answer

Subclassing DBI has to be done just right to work correctly. Read Subclassing the DBI carefully and properly set RootClass (or explicitly call connect on your root class with @ISA set to DBI). Make sure you have WebDB::st subclassing DBI::st and a WebDB::db class subclassing DBI::db (even if there are no methods being overridden). No need to rebless.

Avoid using base; it has some unfortunate behavior that has led to its deprecation, particularly when used with classes that are not in a file of their own. Either explicitly set @ISA or use the newer parent pragma:

package WebDB;
use parent 'DBI';
package WebDB::db;
use parent -norequire => 'DBI::db';
package WebDB::st;
use parent -norequire => 'DBI::st';
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