Perl – How to call a subroutine from one perl module to another perl module


I have a perl file which makes use of two perl modules ,

But in I need to call a subroutine of Even if I give use in and try to use it I am still getting undefined error.

Any help on this greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

There's two elements - first is finding the module. Perl has a 'library' path that you can find by:

print join ( "\n", @INC ); 

This is the places where it looks. It will also check the current working directory, but it's a little bit more difficult using a run time relative path - you need to use the FindBin module for that.

The second element is importing and exporting the subroutine. By default, if you use A; you won't import everything into your local name space because... you don't want to accidentally override one of your internal functions. That way lies madness.

So you either:

use A qw ( somefunction ); 

Which will 'pull in' that function and define it in your local namespace. The exact behavor of these things can be modified via Exporter and setting @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK.

Or refer to it by the 'package path'.


This also works for variables, although you will have to scope them with our rather than my.

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