Perl – How to pass and read a File handle to a Perl subroutine


I want a Perl module that reads from the special file handle, <STDIN>, and passes this to a subroutine. You will understand what I mean when you see my code.
Here is how it was before:

use strict; use warnings;

use lib '/usr/local/custom_pm'
package Read_FH

sub read_file {
my ($filein) = @_;
open FILEIN, $filein or die "could not open $filein for read\n";
# reads each line of the file text one by one
# do something
close FILEIN;

Right now the subroutine takes a file name (stored in $filein) as an argument, opens the file with a file handle, and reads each line of the file one by one using the fine handle.

Instead, I want get the file name from <STDIN>, store it inside a variable, then pass this variable into a subroutine as an argument.
From the main program:

$file = <STDIN>;
$variable = read_file($file);

The subroutine for the module is below:

use strict; use warnings;

use lib '/usr/local/custom_pm'
package Read_FH

# subroutine that parses the file
sub read_file {
my ($file)= @_;
# !!! Should I open $file here with a file handle? !!!!

# read each line of the file
# do something

Does anyone know how I can do this? I appreciate any suggestions.

Best Answer

It is a good idea in general to use lexical filehandlers. That is a lexical variable containing the file handler instead of a bareword.

You can pass it around like any other variables. If you use read_file from File::Slurp you do not need a seperate file handler, it slurps the content into a variable.

As it is also good practice to close opened file handles as soon as possible this should be the preferred way if you realy only need to get the complete file content.

With File::Slurp:

use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use File::Slurp;

sub my_slurp {
    my ($fname) = @_;
    my $content = read_file($fname);

    print $content; # or do something else with $content

    return 1;

my $filename = <STDIN>;

exit 0;

Without extra modules:

use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

sub my_handle {
    my ($handle) = @_;
    my $content = '';

    ## slurp mode
        local $/;
        $content = <$handle>

    ## or line wise
    #while (my $line = <$handle>){
    #    $content .= $line;

    print $content; # or do something else with $content

    return 1;

my $filename = <STDIN>;
open my $fh, '<', $filename;
my_handle($fh); # pass the handle around
close $fh;

exit 0;
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