Perl How to retrieve an array from a hash of arrays


I'm fairly new to Perl, so forgive me if this seems like a simple question…

Anyway, I have a hash of arrays and I'm trying to retrieve one of the arrays in the hash, but all I can get is the scalar size of the array.

%HoA = a hash of arrays
$key = some key in the hash

foreach $nextItem (@HoA{$key}) {
  do a bunch of stuff with $nextItem

When I do this, $nextItem is always just the size of the array and the loop only runs through one time. I've tried printing the following:


The first two give me the scalar size and the third gives me nothing…what am I missing here?

UPDATE: I'm wondering if my problem is actually the way I'm adding the arrays to the hash. Here's what I'm doing:

@HoA{$key} = split(/ /, $list);

Does that stick the array in the hash, or the array size in the hash?

UPDATE 2: I tried the following block of code:

my $key = "TEST";
my %HoA = ();
my @testarray = (1, 2, 3);
@HoA{$key} = @testarray;
print Dumper(%HoA);

Here's the output:

$VAR1 = 'TEST';
$VAR2 = 1;

Why is it only sticking the first value of the array in?

Best Answer

Try referencing your array this way:

%HoA = a hash of arrays
$key = some key in the hash

foreach $nextItem (@{$HoA{$key}}) {
  do a bunch of stuff with $nextItem

You take the array reference at $HoA{$key} and make it an array.

Edit: For your update, I think you will get what you want, if you do it this way:

@{$HoA{$key}} = split(/ /, $list);

or you can do

push(@{$HoA{$key}}, split(/ /, $list);

For example:

my $list = "fred joe brown sam";
my %HoA = ();
my $key = "jacob";
@{$HoA{$key} = split(/ /, $list);
foreach my $item (@{$HoA{$key}})
    print "Test item: $nextItem\n";

You will get:
Test item: fred
Test item: joe
Test item: brown
Test item: sam

Edit: Add use strict; to the top of your program. Basically you are attempting to use HoA as an array when you have a hash defined. You are referencing the contents of your hash improperly. To do it properly you really really need to have a $ between the @ and HoA. Perl is typeless and will let you get away with murder if you don't use strict;. A reference excerpt from oreilly might clear a few things up.

my @testarray is an array
my %hash is a hash
$hash{$el1} = \@array is a hash element that has the value of a ref to an array
@{$hash{$el1}} = @array is a hash element that contains an array

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