Perlin Noise generation for terrain


I'm trying to implement some source code I found online to generate a height map using Perlin Noise. I've successfully managed to get the height map using the noise3 function, with the third coordinate being a random "seed", to allow for random height maps.

My problem is that the terrain generated is rather dull – I want mountains and I'm getting rolling grassland. I've done some reading up on Perlin Noise (mostly here). Due to the source code I've found obviously not written with readability in mind and my weak grasp on the concept of Perlin Noise in general, I can't figure out what I need to tweak in the code (amplitude and frequency?) to create more drastic terrain.

Some more info on generating height maps using Perlin Noise, Perlin Noise in general, or even some more decipherable code would also be welcome.

EDIT: I understand (kind of) how Perlin Noise works, e.g., with respect to amplitude and frequency, I'm just wondering what variables to change in the code I linked above, which are used for these two aspects.

Best Answer

Perlin noise is completely controlled by the different variables you set, i.e. amplitude, frequency and persistance. The amount of octaves has a little change, but not much. In code that I have written in the past I have just played around with the order of magnitude of the frequency and persistance until I have gotten what I needed. I can try to find my old source if needed.


#pragma once

class PerlinNoise

  // Constructor
    PerlinNoise(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed);

  // Get Height
    double GetHeight(double x, double y) const;

  // Get
  double Persistence() const { return persistence; }
  double Frequency()   const { return frequency;   }
  double Amplitude()   const { return amplitude;   }
  int    Octaves()     const { return octaves;     }
  int    RandomSeed()  const { return randomseed;  }

  // Set
  void Set(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed);

  void SetPersistence(double _persistence) { persistence = _persistence; }
  void SetFrequency(  double _frequency)   { frequency = _frequency;     }
  void SetAmplitude(  double _amplitude)   { amplitude = _amplitude;     }
  void SetOctaves(    int    _octaves)     { octaves = _octaves;         }
  void SetRandomSeed( int    _randomseed)  { randomseed = _randomseed;   }


    double Total(double i, double j) const;
    double GetValue(double x, double y) const;
    double Interpolate(double x, double y, double a) const;
    double Noise(int x, int y) const;

    double persistence, frequency, amplitude;
    int octaves, randomseed;


#include "PerlinNoise.h"

  persistence = 0;
  frequency = 0;
  amplitude  = 0;
  octaves = 0;
  randomseed = 0;

PerlinNoise::PerlinNoise(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed)
  persistence = _persistence;
  frequency = _frequency;
  amplitude  = _amplitude;
  octaves = _octaves;
  randomseed = 2 + _randomseed * _randomseed;

void PerlinNoise::Set(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed)
  persistence = _persistence;
  frequency = _frequency;
  amplitude  = _amplitude;
  octaves = _octaves;
  randomseed = 2 + _randomseed * _randomseed;

double PerlinNoise::GetHeight(double x, double y) const
  return amplitude * Total(x, y);

double PerlinNoise::Total(double i, double j) const
    //properties of one octave (changing each loop)
    double t = 0.0f;
    double _amplitude = 1;
    double freq = frequency;

    for(int k = 0; k < octaves; k++) 
        t += GetValue(j * freq + randomseed, i * freq + randomseed) * _amplitude;
        _amplitude *= persistence;
        freq *= 2;

    return t;

double PerlinNoise::GetValue(double x, double y) const
    int Xint = (int)x;
    int Yint = (int)y;
    double Xfrac = x - Xint;
    double Yfrac = y - Yint;

  //noise values
  double n01 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint-1);
  double n02 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint-1);
  double n03 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint+1);
  double n04 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint+1);
  double n05 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint);
  double n06 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint);
  double n07 = Noise(Xint, Yint-1);
  double n08 = Noise(Xint, Yint+1);
  double n09 = Noise(Xint, Yint);

  double n12 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint-1);
  double n14 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint+1);
  double n16 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint);

  double n23 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint+2);
  double n24 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint+2);
  double n28 = Noise(Xint, Yint+2);

  double n34 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint+2);

    //find the noise values of the four corners
    double x0y0 = 0.0625*(n01+n02+n03+n04) + 0.125*(n05+n06+n07+n08) + 0.25*(n09);  
    double x1y0 = 0.0625*(n07+n12+n08+n14) + 0.125*(n09+n16+n02+n04) + 0.25*(n06);  
    double x0y1 = 0.0625*(n05+n06+n23+n24) + 0.125*(n03+n04+n09+n28) + 0.25*(n08);  
    double x1y1 = 0.0625*(n09+n16+n28+n34) + 0.125*(n08+n14+n06+n24) + 0.25*(n04);  

    //interpolate between those values according to the x and y fractions
    double v1 = Interpolate(x0y0, x1y0, Xfrac); //interpolate in x direction (y)
    double v2 = Interpolate(x0y1, x1y1, Xfrac); //interpolate in x direction (y+1)
    double fin = Interpolate(v1, v2, Yfrac);  //interpolate in y direction

    return fin;

double PerlinNoise::Interpolate(double x, double y, double a) const
    double negA = 1.0 - a;
  double negASqr = negA * negA;
    double fac1 = 3.0 * (negASqr) - 2.0 * (negASqr * negA);
  double aSqr = a * a;
    double fac2 = 3.0 * aSqr - 2.0 * (aSqr * a);

    return x * fac1 + y * fac2; //add the weighted factors

double PerlinNoise::Noise(int x, int y) const
    int n = x + y * 57;
    n = (n << 13) ^ n;
  int t = (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
    return 1.0 - double(t) * 0.931322574615478515625e-9;/// 1073741824.0);
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