Php – Add HTML placeholder into Zend_Form


I'm using Zend_Form for an application form using this code:

class Form_ApplicationForm extends Zend_Form
    public function init()

        $name = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('name');
        $name->setLabel('Your Name')
             ->addValidator('alpha', FALSE, array('allowWhiteSpace' => true));

        $email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
        $email->setLabel('Email Address')


I'm adding a flash file uploader (swfupload) to this form which needs a HTML snippet to be in place to work, the snippet looks like this:

<div id="swfupload-control">
    <p>Upload upto 5 image files(jpg, png, gif), each having maximum size of 1MB(Use Ctrl/Shift to select multiple files)</p>
    <input type="button" id="button" />
    <p id="queuestatus" ></p>
    <ol id="log"></ol>

What is the best way of inserting this so that it sits somewhere within the <form> which i'm inserting within my controller like this:

public function newAction()
    $form = new Form_ApplicationForm();
        $data = $_POST;
            /// handle data here
    $this->view->form = $form;

Is there a way of adding a placeholder or similar within Zend_Form, or should this be done using a decorator or something like that?


Best Answer

You'd have to write your own Element for this, e.g. My_Form_Element_SwfUpload along with a renderer. See these tutorials:

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