Php – Argument 1 passed to __construct must be an instance of Services\ProductManager, none given


in service.yml

        class: MyBundle\Controller\Test\ProductController
        arguments: ["@product_manager.service"]

in controller

class ProductController extends Controller
     * @var ProductManager
    private $productManager;

    public function __construct(ProductManager $productManager){
        $this->productManager = $productManager;

in routing.yml

    path: /test/product/addNew
    defaults: { _controller:test_product.controller:addNewAction }

I want to use ProductManger in contructor to do some stuff but it gives me this error

Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to
must be an instance of MyBundle\Services\ProductManager,
instance of Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\Debug\TimedTwigEngine given,
called in
on line 1202 and defined

I am new to symfony, any help is appreciated

Best Answer

You have inverted the logical of services.

First, it's your manager wich must be defined as a service because it's it you will need to call from controller.

// services.yml
        class: MyBundle\Path\To\ProductManager

Then call directly your manager defined as a service in your controller.

// Controller
class ProductController extends Controller

And you do not need to overload __construct() methode. Only call ->get(any_service) where you need it.

Also your route is wrong. You have to define controller from is namespace.

// routing.yml
    path: /test/product/addNew
    defaults: { _controller:MyBundle:Product:addNew }
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