PHP best orm in terms of performance?


Which one of these is the best ORM for PHP in terms of performance? I'd like to use it in Codeigniter framework as well. I'm trying php-activerecord right now, and it doesn't act bad. I took a look to Doctrine2, DataMapper and stuff, but I cannot tell anything about performances until I build a big project (and at that time, it would be too late to change my mind).

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

If your goal is performance, then use of ORM is the wrong choice to begin with.

ORMs are focused on forcing relational structure to act like objects, which is the source of the problem (the loss of performance, and limitations of API). This is why performance is the thing on which ORMs are NOT focused on. What ORMs are really good at is fast prototyping, but when used in large projects, they usually end up causing technical debt.

Also .. if you are serious about using CodeIgniter, please, read the source, and decide, if this is the quality of code you want to base your project on.

P.S. here are two articles you might find a bit inflammatory, but with relevant points: