Php – Cannot access Facebook signed_request with an iframe tab


I've got an iframe loading in a facebook tab on a fan page and I'm not having any luck accessing the $_REQUEST["signed_request"] object. I'm confused because this is supposed to be a freebie and easily accessible. I've read and re-read the facebook docs and rechecked my facebook application settings but nothing is working.


is always false. Since I'm using the Facebook PHP sdk I've also tried


I've done print_r on the $_REQUEST and I don't see the signed_request in there. When I print_f the $facebook object, I see that the signedRequest is empty

[appId:protected] => XXX
[apiSecret:protected] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[session:protected] => Array

        [access_token] => XXXXXXXXXX|2.h75WqKxcA1xbNPufFvpKQQ__.3600.1304452800.1-726960374|JiO0ZS30SyLaApeqhMtdocK8B_Y
        [base_domain] => XXXXXXXXX
        [expires] => 1304452800
        [secret] => rDF9C_z43_EUFy0Q_e6tyQ__
        [session_key] => 2.h75WqKxcA1xbNPufFvpKQQ__.3600.1304452800.1-726960374
        [sig] => 1971ef7eb8057c7404eae1f82d770ab5
        [uid] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

[signedRequest:protected] => 
[sessionLoaded:protected] => 1
[cookieSupport:protected] => 1
[baseDomain:protected] => 
[fileUploadSupport:protected] => 

I do have the OAuth 2.0 setting enabled for the application.

Best Answer

OK, just had this on problem myself and found the issue.

Make sure that you do not have a 301 redirect on the canvas or tab page. In my case I set the app up as "" but my site was doing a 301 to ""

The content would show, bit the 301 caused the signedRequest to be null.

Added "www" to my domain in the app settings and the signedRequest now contains the data I was looking for.

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