Php – Codeigniter extends core class


I want to have class that checks login on all controllers that I specified.
Codeigniter version is 2.1.0 and I have php 5.3.10

Hier is how I would set it up:
I look at
and I set it up like this:
in the /application/core/MY_Main.php

class MY_Main extends CI_Controller {

function __construct()

In my controller I have welcome.php

?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome extends MY_Main {

    function __construct()
    public function index()

So if I place login check in MY-Main it should get work, but I cant get it work anyone???

Best Answer

I needed to add the following code to /application/config/config.php before I got the extenson of core classes working as described in the CI manual.

Code taken from here

function __autoload($class)
    if(strpos($class, 'CI_') !== 0)
        @include_once( APPPATH . 'core/'. $class . EXT );
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