Php – Codeigniter multiple views in one view


I am working on a web application. This might be a silly question, but I want to know whether I am taking the good approach to this or not.
I want to have multiple views on one single view/page.

The Codeigniter documentation says that "A view is simply a web page, or a page fragment, like a header, footer, sidebar, …".

I want to have a header, some quick search view, some other view and a footer for a example. Should I implement a controller to every view (header, quick search, footer, …), or is it better to implement every view functions in a single controller? For instance, if I know that the header, footer, quick search views are going to always be there (even if their content might change) should I put functions for all those views in one controller?

Please, help.

Best Answer

one approach is to have a template view that has the elements you require. see this pseudo-code example... so, template_view.php has:


your single controller then calls the template with the parameters for each view.

$data = new stdClass();
$data->header = ....
$data->quickssearch = ....
$data->body = .....
$data->footer = .....
