Php – Convert pdf,doc,ppt,xls files to html using php


Actually I want all files view as html like gmail in view as html.

I have used below code for doc view as html but here not displaying font style (bold,color,etc…)

function parseWord($userDoc) 
    $fileHandle = fopen($userDoc, "r");
    $line = @fread($fileHandle, filesize($userDoc));   
    $lines = explode(chr(0x0D),$line);
    $outtext = "";
    foreach($lines as $thisline)
        $pos = strpos($thisline, chr(0x00));
        if (($pos !== FALSE)||(strlen($thisline)==0))
          } else {
            $outtext .= $thisline." ";
     $outtext = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\,\.\-\n\r\t@\/\_\(\)]/","",$outtext);
    return $outtext;

$userDoc = "cv.doc";

$text = parseWord($userDoc);
echo $text;


Is there any way to view all files as html for display in browser?
I am not interested in use plugins and any s/w.

Best Answer

There is no such function available in PHP. You'll have to do everything on your own or rely on some software.

If you change your mind about foreign software let us know.