Php – Cookie without Secure flag and HttpOnly flag set


Recently a scan was run on one of our applications and it returned the following 1 security threats:

1.Cookies NotMarked As Secure::Cookie without Secure flag set

2.Cookie without HttpOnly flag set::Cookiewithout HttpOnly flag set

$this->cache_ptr = new CACHE($_COOKIE["sess"], 0, 0);

CACHE is an user built library that uses Sessions etc.

I am not sure about the right syntax to mark the cookie secure and set the cookie with HttpOnly flag. Also, this is a legacy application running in php 4.
Can someone please help me with this or point me to a resource?

I implemented Sven's recommendation. Is there a way I can test the secure functionality?

Also,Since I am using php4(which will have to be updated eventaully)
I cannot use httponly in the setcookie function.
So does that mean,I need to add the following line before setcookie function?

header("Set-Cookie: hidden=value; httpOnly");

will it intefere with my setcookie function?

Best Answer

use setcookie(). read about it here. Set the sixth parameter to true to make the cookie secure.