Php – Detecting Ajax in PHP and making sure request was from the own website


I use my PHP back-end to detect AJAX requests by checking for a value in $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'].

This gives me a reliable detection, making sure the request is made utilizing AJAX techniques.

How can I make sure the request came from my own domain, and not an external domain/robot? could allow anyone to make an AJAX call and cut the information.

I could make sessions for everyone that enters my website normally, and then allow AJAX calls.. but that can be faked too.

Does it even matter these days?

Best Answer

Let you Controller

  • generate access token
  • store in session for later comparison

In your View

  • declare the access token as JS variable
  • send the token with each request

Back in your Controller

  • validate token

Check these security guidelines from OpenAjax.
Also, read the article on Annie linked.