Php – Drupal 6: Views: Listing taxonothe terms with tagged nodes underneath


I need to create a view that lists out taxonomy terms and then list the top 3 recent(sort by node:date updated) nodes with that tag

example out put:


  • Article 1
  • Article 2
  • Article 3


  • Podcast 1
  • Podcast 2
  • Podcast 3


I created a view of type "Term" and I can get the view to output all of the terms. However, I don't see how to link in the nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. I looked around in the view of type node, but I couldn't get anywhere close to what I needed to output.

Best Answer

Outside Views, this appears to be exactly what Taxonews.module does. HAve you considered it ?

(disclaimer: I'm its author)

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