Php – DSN-less ODBC Connection to iSeries


I'm running PHP 5.2.4 with ibm_db2 v1.8.0 on Ubuntu 8.04.1 Server. I am trying to hit an IBM iSeries running OS/400 v5R3 but I'm not sure at all how to actually connect without a DSN. I've looked at but none of the DB2 or AS/400 connection strings seem to work. All I end up with is:

[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1013N The database alias name or database name "" could not be found. SQLSTATE=42705 SQLCODE=-1013

Here is my current DSN string:

DRIVER={iSeries Access ODBC Driver};SYSTEM=;Uid=user;Pwd=password

I've also tried the 'IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER' but get the same error as the string above.

Best Answer

Here is what I use within the .NET environment:

Provider=IBMDA400.DataSource.1;Data;Password=xxxxxxxxxx;User ID=xxxxxxxxxx;Initial Catalog=SERVERNAME

You might be missing the "Initial Catalog".

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