Php – Dynamic pages using FPDF


I have a link on a page which generates a pdf. I am using fpdf for the same. My requirement is that we have to generate a single pdf with different pages each having footer and header.

E.g. a students makes a payment through cash, cheques. I have to generate a pdf displaying payment mode , amount etc. I am running a loop for each instrument type but the issue is that the pdf shows one entry only because i think it is being overwritten. I have tried page break but with now success.



class PDF extends FPDF
    function Header()


        $this->MultiCell(0,0,'67, addd2',0,'C');

        $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Tel No - 010000000,',0,'C');

    function Footer()
        $this->MultiCell(0,0,'For mycomany.',0,'R');
        $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Center Manager',0,'R');

$pdf = new PDF();

$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12);
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, 'Acknowledgement', 0, 'C');

$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10);
$pdf->MultiCell(0,0,"Date: ".$details[0]['datepaid'],0,'L');
$pdf->MultiCell(0,0, "Acknowledgement No : ".date('Y/m/d')."/".$details[0]['pk_paymentid'],0,'R');

$pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, "We acknowledge receipt of Rs ".$details[0]['amountpaid']." from Ms/Mr ".$details[0]['fullname'], 0, 'J');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Course Name',1,0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Course Fee (Total)','LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,"Service Tax",'LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Total Amount Payable','LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Amount Received','LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Balance Amount Payable','LBR',0,'L');
// $pdf->Cell(90,7,$courseData[0]['totalAmount']-$details[0]['amountpaid'],'LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Mode of Payment','LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Cheque/Demand Draft/Credit Card Number','LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->Cell(90,7,'Name of Bank and Branch','LBR',0,'L');

$pdf->MultiCell(0,0,'* Service Tax Regn No _____________',0,'L');

$pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, 'For further processing of your registeration to the above program, we are forwarding your details to our enrollment center at', 0, 'L');
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, 'Centre. For all queries please contact:', 0, 'L');

Please help me on this.


Best Answer

Ok, so now your error is quite obvious. You have to put the $pdf = new PDF(); before your loop.


$pdf = new PDF();
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