PHP echo repeating rows only once


I have 2 tables. One table is 'headings' & contains Headings and the other one is 'sub-headings' and contains Sub-headings that are (& must be) classified under the Headings and must have a respective Heading. A Sub-Heading can have only one Heading and many sub-headings can have the same Heading. So consider the following format:

--Table heading

heading_id heading
1           H1
2           H2
3           H3

--Table sub_heading

sub_head_id sub_heading heading_id
1           SH1             1
2           SH2             1
3           SH3             2
4           SH4             3
5           SH5             2
6           SH6             4

What I would like to do is query the database only once and get all sub_headings and their corresponding headings (using Inner Join?) and output a Heading only once and list all the sub_headings listed under their respective Heading. So, in practice, I would like to show up the OUTPUT RESULT AS:





As you can see, the Headings are echo'ed only once and all the sub-headings that belong to a Heading are nicely shown under their respective Heading. So I would like to know what query I would write to do so.

NOTE: I have already written a code to fetch heading_id and while doing so in a loop, query the database for the respective sub-headings. This again results in loop of the sub_headings. But (I feel) the drawback in this is that for every single Heading that exists, the DB will be queried at least once to get their corresponding sub_headings. So if 50 Headings exist, while fetching them in a loop, a 2nd query is done to get the sub-headings. This needs me to write down a second query to get the sub-headings and process them in a loop. I want to avoid this.

So it would really help if anyone can tell me how to query the DB only once and output the result as I have indicated above. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

$query = "SELECT
    heading h
    sub_heading s
ON = s.heading_id
    s.heading_id ASC,
    s.sub_head_id ASC";

$resource = mysql_query($query);

$previous_heading = false;

// This will print the headings in a unordered list, modify if needed
echo '<ul>';
while($resource = mysql_fetch_assoc($resource)) {
    if(!$previous_heading || $previous_heading != $resource['heading']) {
        if($previous_heading) {
            echo '</ul></li>';
        echo '<li>'.$resource['heading'].'<ul>';
    echo '<li>'.$resource['sub_heading'].'</li>';
    $previous_heading = $resource['heading'];
echo '</ul></ul>';

Will output something like

  • H1
    • SH1
    • SH2
  • H2
    • SH3
    • SH5
  • H3
    • SH4
  • H4
    • SH6