Php – Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in windows


I have the following error when try to install phpmyadmin in 4.0.4 on PHP version 5.4. I am running Apache 2.2 on My Windows 7. I can run . My php is installed in c:\php. I have add the following line in php.ini but no lucks.

And also this line in php.ini


Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\phpMyAdmin\libraries\php-gettext\ on line 177

I checked the phpinfo() page but it does not show that mbstring is enabled. But I did

So why the mbstring is not started?

what can I do to fix it?


Best Answer

in php 5.5.8 and the php.ini file find the part called Windows Extensions and be sure that the extension php_mbstring.dll is uncomment (remove semi-colon at first) and be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.

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