Php – Fatal error: class ‘Helper_Data’ not found in domainfolder/app/mage.php on line 516


I'm getting this error in the admin panel after I log in:

"Fatal error: Class 'Webdziner_Ajaxsearch_Helper_Data' not found in /home/hotshopl/public_html/ on line 516"

I tried installing a theme into my site and all was going good until I refreshed the cache, then it all crashed and gave me the message. I am trying to figure where this Helper file is at. I have looked at other questions and answers but I just dont seem to find a good answer to my question. I am looking everywhere.

looked at this thread but nothing

closest guy i can relate to is

Magento module Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Cashondelivery_Helper_Data' not found in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php on line 516

Please advise help thanks

Best Answer

You could check to see if you have Compiler enabled under System>Tools>Compiler. If it is enabled, disable it and then flush the Magento Cache. There after you may no longer get this error, as this is what worked for me.

You can always Enable the Compiler again afterwards.

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