Php – Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Exception’ with message ‘No entry is registered for key ‘Zend_Db”


I have been searching to find a fix for this error.. none found yet. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Exception' with message 'No entry is registered for key 'Zend_Db'' in /hermes/bosoraweb075/b2180/.../play/library/Zend/Registry.php:145
Stack trace:
#0 /hermes/bosoraweb075/b2180/..../play/application/Model/Artist/Db.php(47): Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Db')
#1 /hermes/bosoraweb075/b2180/..../play/application/Modules/Default/Controllers/IndexController.php(64): Model_Artist_Db->__construct()
#2 /hermes/bosoraweb075/b2180/.../play/library/Zend/Controller/Action.php(132): IndexController->init()
#3 /hermes/bosoraweb075/b2180/.../play/library/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(261): Zend_Controller_Action->__construct(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http), Array)
#4 /hermes/bosoraweb075/b2180/.../play/library/Zend/Controller/Front.php(936): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#5 /hermes/bosoraw in /hermes/bosoraweb075/b2180/..../play/library/Zend/Registry.php on line 145

here is my all codes


     * @access Public
     * return void
    public static function setupRegistry() 
        self::$registry = new Zend_Registry(array(), ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);

 * @access Public
 * return void
public static function setupDatabase()

    if ( self::$registry->configuration->installed) {

        $dbConfig = new Zend_Config_Ini( self::$root . '/application/Configs/Database.ini', 'default' );

        $db = Zend_Db::factory($dbConfig); 

        // profiler
        $profiler = new Zend_Db_Profiler_Firebug('All DB Queries');

        // Attach the profiler to your db adapter

        self::$registry->set('Zend_Db', $db);

and Model/Artist/Db.php


class Model_Artist_Db

    /* @access Public
     * @var object
    private static $db      = null;

    /* @access Public
     * @var object
    private static $cache   = null;

    /* @access Public
     * @var object
    private static $config  = null;

     * Class constructor
     * @access Public
    public function __construct()
        self::$db = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Db');

        $moduleConfig = Zend_Registry::get('moduleConfig');
        self::$config = $moduleConfig->module->artist;

        $cacheDir = Zend_Registry::get('siteRootDir') .'/data/cache/' .self::$config->cache->dir;

        $frontendOptions = array('lifetime' => self::$config->cache->lifetime, 'automatic_serialization' => self::$config->cache->serialization);
        $backendOptions  = array('cache_dir' => $cacheDir);

        self::$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $page
     * param String $alpha
     * @return Object
    public function getAllArtists($page,$alpha)

        if ( !empty($alpha)) {
            $sql = self::$db->select()
                ->where('artist LIKE ?', $alpha.'%')
        } else {
            $sql = self::$db->select()

         $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($sql);




        return $paginator;

     * @access Public
     * @return Array
    public function getArtistGenres()
        $sql = self::$db->select()
            ->from(array('a' => 'artist'), array('artist_id', 'artist', 'genres'));

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetchAll();

        return $result;

     * @access Public
     * @param String $name
     * @return Array
    public function getArtistByName($name)
        $cacheId = self::_clean($name);

        if(!$result = self::$cache->load('getArtistByName_'.$cacheId) ) {
            $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->where('artist = ?', $name);

            $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

            /** save cache */
            if(self::$config->cache->enable == 1) {
                self::$cache->save($result, 'getArtistByName_'.$cacheId);

        return $result;       

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return Array
    public function getArtistByID($artistId)
        $sql = self::$db->select()
                ->where('artist_id = ?', $artistId);

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        return $result;

     * @access Public
     * @param String $guid
     * @return Int
    public function getArtistIdByGuid($guid)
        $sql = self::$db->select()
                ->from(array('a' => 'artist'), array('artist_id') )
                ->where('a.artist_guid = ?', $guid);

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        return $result['artist_id'];

     * @access Public
     * @param String $guid
     * @return Bool
    public function checkArtistImage($guid){
        $sql = self::$db->select()
                ->from(array('ai' => 'artist_images'), array('id') )
                ->where('ai.guid = ?', $guid);

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        if($result['id'] > 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return array
    public function getArtistAlbums($artistId)

        if(!$result = self::$cache->load('getArtistAlbums_'.$artistId) ) {
            $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from(array("al" =>"album"), array('album_id','image','released', 'title','track_count', 'playtime_secs', 'play_count', 'date_added'))
                    ->join(array("ar" => "artist"), 'al.artist_id = ar.artist_id', array('artist'))
                    ->where('al.artist_id = ?', $artistId)

            $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetchAll();

            /** save cache */
            if(self::$config->cache->enable == 1) {
                self::$cache->save($result, 'getArtistAlbums_'.$artistId);

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @param String $artistAlbum
     * @return Array
    public function getAlbum($artistId, $artistAlbum)
        $cacheId = self::_clean($artistId . $artistAlbum);        

        if(!$result = self::$cache->load('getAlbum_'.$cacheId) ) {

            $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from(array("al" =>"album"), array('album_id','image','released', 'title','track_count', 'playtime_secs', 'play_count', 'date_added'))
                    ->join(array("ar" => "artist"), 'al.artist_id = ar.artist_id', array('artist'))
                    ->where('al.artist_id = ?', $artistId)
                    ->where('al.title = ?', $artistAlbum);

            $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();  

            /** save cache */
            if(self::$config->cache->enable == 1) {
                self::$cache->save($result, 'getAlbum_'.$cacheId);

        return $result;

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $page
     * @param Int $albumId
     * @return Object
    public function getAlbumTracks($page,$albumId)
         $sql = self::$db->select()
            ->where('album = ?', $albumId)

         $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($sql);




        return $paginator;

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $page
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return Object
    public function getTopPlayedTracks($page,$artistId)
        $sql = self::$db->select()
                ->from(array('f' => 'files'), array('file_id','filename','title','playtime_seconds','play_count'))
                ->join(array('a' => 'album'), 'f.album = a.album_id', array('title as album'))
                ->where('f.artist = ?', $artistId)
                ->order('f.play_count DESC')

        $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($sql);




        return $paginator;

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $limit
     * @return Array
    public function getTopPlayed($limit)

        if(!$result = self::$cache->load('getTopPlayed') ) {
            $sql = self::$db->select()
                ->from(array('ar' => 'artist'), array('artist', 'image', 'play_count', 'artist_id', 'date_added'))
                ->where('play_count > ?', 0)
                ->order('play_count DESC')

            $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetchAll();       

            /** get counts */
            for($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {

                /** album Count */
                $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from('album', 'count(album_id) as album_count')
                    ->where('artist_id = ?', $result[$i]['artist_id']);
                $rs = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();
                $result[$i]['album_count'] = $rs['album_count'];

                /** track count */
                $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from('files', 'count(file_id) as track_count')
                    ->where('artist = ?', $result[$i]['artist_id']);
                $rs = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();
                $result[$i]['track_count'] = $rs['track_count'];

                /** Play Time */
                $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from('files', 'sum(playtime_seconds) as playtime')
                    ->where('artist = ?', $result[$i]['artist_id']);
                $rs = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();
                $result[$i]['playtime'] = $rs['playtime'];            

            /** save cache */
            if(self::$config->cache->enable == 1) {
                self::$cache->save($result, 'getTopPlayed');

        return $result;

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $limit
     * @return Array
    public function getNewArtists($limit)
        if(!$result = self::$cache->load('getNewArtists') ) {

            $sql = self::$db->select()
                ->from(array('ar' => 'artist'), array('artist', 'image', 'date_added','play_count', 'artist_id'))
                ->order('date_added DESC')

            $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetchAll();

            /** get counts */
            for($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {

                /** album Count */
                $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from('album', 'count(album_id) as album_count')
                    ->where('artist_id = ?', $result[$i]['artist_id']);
                $rs = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();
                $result[$i]['album_count'] = $rs['album_count'];

                /** track count */
                $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from('files', 'count(file_id) as track_count')
                    ->where('artist = ?', $result[$i]['artist_id']);
                $rs = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();
                $result[$i]['track_count'] = $rs['track_count'];

                /** Play Time */
                $sql = self::$db->select()
                    ->from('files', 'sum(playtime_seconds) as playtime')
                    ->where('artist = ?', $result[$i]['artist_id']);
                $rs = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();
                $result[$i]['playtime'] = $rs['playtime'];            

            /** save cache */
            if(self::$config->cache->enable == 1) {
                self::$cache->save($result, 'getNewArtists');


        return $result;

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $page
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return Object
    public function getArtistImages($page,$artistId)
        $sql = self::$db->select()
            ->from(array('a' => 'artist_images'), array('id','artist_id','title','dateadded','votes','image'))
            ->where('a.artist_id = ?', $artistId);

        $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($sql);




        return $paginator;        

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $imageId
     * @return Array
    public function getArtistImageById($imageId)
        $sql = self::$db->select()
            ->from(array('ai' => 'artist_images'), array('id','guid','artist_id','title','url','dateadded','image'))
            ->where(' = ?', $imageId);

         $result = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        return $result;

     * @access Public
     * @param Array $simularArtist
     * @return Array
    public function getSimularArtists($simularArtist)
        $cacheId = self::_clean(serialize($simularArtist));

        if(!$array = self::$cache->load('getSimularArtists_'.$cacheId) ) {

            $array = array();

            $c = 0;

            for($i = 0; $i < count($simularArtist['similar']); $i++) {

                $name = urlencode($simularArtist['similar'][$i]['name']);

                $artist = self::getArtistByName($name);

                if( !empty($artist) ) {
                    $array[$c]['artist'] = $artist['artist'];
                    $array[$c]['image']  = $artist['image'];
                    $array[$c]['match']  = $simularArtist['similar'][$i]['match'];


            /** save cache */
            if(self::$config->cache->enable == 1) {
                self::$cache->save($array, 'getSimularArtists_'.$cacheId);


        return $array;

     * @access Public
     * @return Array
    public function getArtistCount()
        $sql = self::$db->select()
            ->from(array('ar' => 'artist'), array('count(artist_id) as artist_count'));

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        return $result['artist_count'];

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return Void
    public function incrementAlbumCount($artistId)
        $sql = self::$db->select()
            ->from(array('a' => 'artist'), array('album_count'))
            ->where('artist_id = ?', $artistId);

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        $data = array(
            'album_count' => $result['album_count'] + 1

        self::$db->update('artist', $data, 'artist_id = ' . $artistId);


     * @access Public
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return Void
    public function incrementTrackCount($artistId)
        $sql = self::$db->select()
            ->from(array('a' => 'artist'), array('track_count'))
            ->where('artist_id = ?', $artistId);

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        $data = array(
            'track_count' => $result['track_count'] + 1

        self::$db->update('artist', $data, 'artist_id = ' . $artistId);

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return Void
    public function incrementPlayCount($artistId)
        $sql = self::$db->select() 
            ->from(array('a' => 'artist'), array('play_count'))
            ->where('a.artist_id = ?', $artistId);

        $result  = self::$db->query($sql)->fetch();

        $data = array(
            'play_count' => $result['play_count'] + 1

        self::$db->update('artist', $data, 'artist_id = ' . $artistId );

     * @access Public
     * @param Array $data
     * @param Int $artistId
     * @return Void
    public function updateArtist($data, $artistId)
         self::$db->update('artist', $data, 'artist_id = ' . $artistId );

     * @access Public
     * @param Array $data
     * @param Int $imageId
     * @return Void
    public function updateArtistImage($data, $imageId)
        self::$db->update('artist_images', $data, 'id = ' . $imageId );

     * @access Public
     * @param Array $data
     * @return Int
    public function newArtist($data)
        self::$db->insert('artist', $data);
        return self::$db->lastInsertId();                                                                

     * @access Public
     * @param Array $data
     * @return Int
    public function createNewImage($data)
        self::$db->insert('artist_images', $data);
        return self::$db->lastInsertId();   

     * @access Public
     * @param Int $imageId
     * @return Void
    public function removeArtistImage($imageId)
        self::$db->delete('artist_images', 'id = '.$imageId);

     * @access Public
     * @param String $string
     * @return String
    private function _clean($string)
        return md5($string);


Databass Config file

adapter = "pdo_mysql" = ""
params.dbname = "play"
params.username = "play"
params.password = "123456"

Best Answer

Where and when do you call setupDatabase function written in your bootstrap file?

Don't forget that only method prepend by _init prefix are called in this bootstrap file. Your static method (why static ?) are probably never called.

That's why you have no entry in your registry.

Hope this helps.

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