Php – How to add backgroud music in the website done in Joomla


I want to add music which runs in the background of a website being developed for a client. The site is generated in Joomla. Does anyone knows about any component (or any way) through which I can add music which runs in the background of the website.

I know it can be achieved via embed tag in the index page of the selected template, but one additional requirement (from the client) is whenever any visitor clicks on any other link, the music should continue but not start from the beginning. Is it feasible? Can anyone help me regarding this?

Best Answer

The only way you are going to be able to play the music without restarting the song every time a link is clicked is to load the Joomla site in a frame and the audio player in another frame.

I would seriously recommend talking to the client though. Audio is a common cause of high bounce rates and loading the site in a frame is going to screw up your SEO.

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