Php – how to create phpdoc Tutorial / Extended pages to supplement commented code


I'm trying everything I can to get phpdocumentor to allow me to use the DocBook tutorial format to supplement the documentation it creates:

  1. I am using Eclipse
  2. I've installed phpDocumentor via PEAR on an OSX machine
  3. I can run and auto generate code from my php classes
  4. It won't format Tutorials – I can't find a solution

I've tried moving the .pkg example file all over the file structure, in subfolders using a similar name to the package that is being referenced within the code .. I'm really at a loss – if someone could explain WHERE they place the .pkg and other DocBook files in relation to the code they are documenting and how they trigger phpdoc to format it I would appreciate it, I'm using this at the moment:

phpdoc -o HTML:Smarty:HandS
-d "/path/to/code/classes/", "/path/to/code/docs/tutorials/"
-t /path/to/output

Best Answer

I didn't expect to be answering my own question, but after 2 days of mind bending pain and a weekend to experiment it seems this is the problem:

The tutorial and my examples should work, but there seems to be a minor flaw in the way phpdoc interprets the switch values. Here is what I've been using:

phpdoc -o HTML:Smarty:HandS
-d "/path/to/code/classes/", "/path/to/code/docs/tutorials/"
-t /path/to/output

However if you use the following:

    phpdoc -o HTML:Smarty:HandS 
-d /path/to/code/classes/, /path/to/code/docs/tutorials/
-t /path/to/output

It will correctly format your tutorials and extending docs, all I did was drop the double quotes surrounding the directory paths. Single quotes don't work at all - as phpdoc itself wraps the directories in double quotes if there are no spaces ... this does seem like a bug with phpdoc, and the same behaviour occurred with the web based interface, so its an internal issue. my original attempt should have worked but didn't I will contact the developers and bring it to their attention.

Problem solved.

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