Php – How to query data in CakePHP using HABTM relationships


I'm working on a CakePHP 1.2 application. I have a model "User" defined with a few HABTM relationships with other tables through a join table.

I'm now tasked with finding User information based on the data stored in one of these HABTM tables. Unfortunately, when the query executes, my condition is rejected with an error about a missing table. Upon inspection it seems that CakePHP is not including any of the HABTM tables in the select statement.

My User HABTM relationship is as follows:

    var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
    'Course' => array(
        'className'             => 'Course',
        'joinTable'              => 'course_members',
        'foreignKey'             => 'user_id',
        'associationForeignKey'  => 'course_id',
        'conditions'             => '',
        'order'                  => '',
        'limit'                  => '',
        'uniq'                   => false,
        'finderQuery'            => '',
        'deleteQuery'            => '',
        'insertQuery'            => ''
    'School' => array(
        'className'             => 'School',
        'joinTable'              => 'school_members',
        'foreignKey'             => 'user_id',
        'associationForeignKey'  => 'school_id',
        'conditions'             => '',
        'order'                  => '',
        'limit'                  => '',
        'uniq'                   => false,
        'finderQuery'            => '',
        'deleteQuery'            => '',
        'insertQuery'            => ''
    'Team' => array(
        'className'             => 'Team',
        'joinTable'              => 'team_members',
        'foreignKey'             => 'user_id',
        'associationForeignKey'  => 'team_id',
        'conditions'             => '',
        'order'                  => '',
        'limit'                  => '',
        'uniq'                   => false,
        'finderQuery'            => '',
        'deleteQuery'            => '',
        'insertQuery'            => ''

The error is:

SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
'' in 'where clause'

And finally, the query it is trying to execute

 `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`password`, `User`.`firstName`, `User`.`lastName`, `User`.`email

`, `User`.`phone`, `User`.`streetAddress`, `User`.`city`, `User`.`province`, `User`.`country`, `User

`.`postal`, `User`.`userlevel`, `User`.`modified`, `User`.`created`, `User`.`deleted`, `User`.`deleted_date

` FROM `users` AS `User`   WHERE `User`.`id` = 6 AND `School`.`name` LIKE '%Test%'    LIMIT 1

Best Answer

Turn your debug level up to 2 and look at the SQL output. Find the query that your code is generating and you'll notice there are several. The ORM layer in CakePHP doesn't join HABTM related tables in the first query. It gets the results from the first select, then separately fetches the HABTM data for each item. Because the join table is not in the first query, your condition, which is intended for use on a joined table, results in the error you are seeing.

The cook book has a section on HABTM associations and fetching data based on conditions in the HABTM table that will fit your requirements.

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