Php – How to run all the PHPUnit tests

linuxPHPphpunitUbuntuunit testing

I have script called Script.php and tests for it in Tests/Script.php, but when I run phpunit Tests it does not execute any tests in my test file. How do I run all my tests with phpunit?

PHPUnit 3.3.17, PHP 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2, latest Ubuntu


$ phpunit Tests
PHPUnit 3.3.17 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0 seconds
OK (0 tests, 0 assertions)

And here are my script and test files:


function returnsTrue() {  
    return TRUE;  


require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php';  
require_once 'Script.php'  

class TestingOne extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  

    public function testTrue()
        $this->assertEquals(TRUE, returnsTrue());

    public function testFalse()
        $this->assertEquals(FALSE, returnsTrue());

class TestingTwo extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  

    public function testTrue()  
        $this->assertEquals(TRUE, returnsTrue());  

    public function testFalse()
        $this->assertEquals(FALSE, returnsTrue());

Best Answer

Php test's filename must end with Test.php

phpunit mydir will run all scripts named xxxxTest.php in directory mydir

(looks likes it's not described in the phpunit documentation)

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