Php – Is Doctrine really that slow than PDO


I have recently learned about PDO and and Doctrine 2.2.2 to build an application.
but i'will work with some critical constraints in my environment( a lot of data , connexion speed …etc)
i know that Doctrine have a PDO layer,so maybe PDO is faster but i want to work with a Real ORM Framework like Hibernate.

after reading this post
Benchmark PDO vs Doctrine

I have to know if Doctrine is [ very ] slow than PDO.

Thank you

Best Answer

Doctrine 2 + PHP 5.3+ improved greatly the speed of Doctrine.

However, you will never be close to PDO beacause it is not the same thing : do you want to query your database or do you want to automatically map your database to PHP Objects and then use objects in your code ?

  • For development quality, ease and speed : use Doctrine
  • For runtime speed : don't use an ORM
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