Php – Markdown vs. HTML in a CMS


I'm working on a fairly large CMS-like app that includes a forum, wiki pages, etc. What whould you chose between Markdown and HTML? I'm concerned about usability and the fact non-techie people will use this.

  • Markdown has a very simple syntax but few users know it
  • with HTML you can use a WYSIWYG editor but they are often terrible

Best Answer

I vote for Markdown.

  1. I picked up Markdown in maybe 5 minutes in writing my first response here. Later I learned more than what I picked up here, but I'd think this to be rather standard.

  2. Markdown is much simpler to get good markup out of, and if you're worried about speed just cache the resulting output.

  3. Markdown is often better, and more easily understood, in plain text than HTML is in a WYSIWYG editor. Also, no-script friendly.

And if you've got a user who wants an embeded object, just drop the HTML code from that Youtube video in and it'll get carried over.