Php – Mocking Laravel Eloquent models – how to set a public property with Mockery


I want to use a mock object (Mockery) in my PHPUnit test. The mock object needs to have both some public methods and some public properties set. The class is a Laravel Eloquent model. I tried this:

$mock = Mockery::mock('User');
$mock->shouldReceive('hasRole')->once()->andReturn(true); //works fine
$mock->roles = 2; //how to do this? currently returns an error

… but setting the public property returns this error:

BadMethodCallException: Method Mockery_0_User::setAttribute() does not exist on this mock object

This error is not returned when mocking a simple class, but is returned when I try to mock an Eloquent model. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

If you want getting this property with this value, just use it:


If you call $user->role you will get - 2 ($user - its User mock class)

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