Php – MVC for footer-header-sidebar at codeigniter


I use codeigniter. I have footer_view.php, header_view.php and other view php files for pages like aboutus, contactus, etc… for example for about us page, I create model for db actions, than I create a controller to get db variables and send variable to about us view as:


Everything is fine until this point, but when I need to get data from db at footer, how will I use in the CodeIgniter Way?

If I create a footer_model, I cannot make view('footer/') because it is actually a part if page, not a page itself :/

Best Answer

You can use $this->load->vars($data);

This will make all data available to all views, footer_view.php, header_view.php and any other views.

$data['your_info'] = $this->user_model->get_info();
$data['your_latest_info'] = $this->user_model->get_latest_info();
$data['your_settings_info'] = $this->user_model->get_settings_info();



You view can and will access the data like so:

Your "primary" view

// your_view.php
// this can access data
<?php foreach ($your_info as $r):?>
<?php echo $r->first_name;?>
<?php echo $r->last_name;?>
<?php endforeach;?>

Your header_view

// header_view.php
<?php echo $your_latest_info->site_name;?>

Your footer_view

// footer_view.php
<?php foreach ($your_setting_info as $setting):?>
<?php echo $setting->pages;?>
<?php endforeach;?>

No need for any template library...