Php – Phing, Xinc or phpUnderControl – which one will last


I am still looking into which one of these tools I should use. When I was poking around I noticed none of them really have any new releases:

Version 2.0.1 released 02/05/08
Version 2.3.3 released 12/07/08
Version 0.4.4 released 08/09/08

Should I choose phpUnderControl because it had the latest release and development will probably be continued? I don't want to have to switch in half a year just because some feature that comes with php 5.3 can't be handled by one of them.

I would need PHP Unit, SVN and Codesniffer support.

Best Answer

At work, we asked ourselves about the same question last year, considering our needs are :

  • Something quite easy to set up ; a few command lines are OK, if you just have to copy/paste without thinking too much (goal : someone who doesn't know Linux well must be able to install the software)
  • Integration of
    • PHPUnit
    • phpDocumentor
    • PHP_CodeSniffer
    • SVN log + automatically build when things are committed
  • Ability to handle some rather big projects
  • Something "sexy", with graphs and all that, for our clients to see

We chose phpUnderControl. Couple of arguments that I remember :

  • pro : quite active project (there where new versions really often)
  • con : JAVA ; means harder for PHP developpers to modify / adapt
  • half pro : PHPUnit and phpUnderControl are a bit close (same hosting, if I remember well) ; we considered if was a good sign that the project would live ^^
  • pro : easy to set up ; even the first time (we were a couple of guys who tried ; generally no problem)
  • pro (subjective) : more sexy than xinc

We are now (more than) a year later, and we don't regret our choice... Let hope we'll still feel the same way in another year or two !

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