Php – Post to Facebook Page Wall


I'm just trying to make PHP Connector to Facebook for posting wall posts on a Page.
So i'm not trying to post wall post to profile wall or anything else.

I've read some tutorials and manuals and i decided to use Facebook PHP-SDK (from Naitik Shah)

I've created Facebook App to post wallposts through it. I received appId and api secret. I've added application permissions to my Page and tried example code

$facebook = new Facebook(array(
    'appId' => 'my app id',
    'secret' => 'my api secret',
    'cookie' => false,
    'domain' => ''
)); => domain from which i'm sending api requests
next ->

$token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
$facebook->api('/123456789/feed', array(
    'access_token' => $token,
    'link' => ''

So i'm trying to post link on wall of page with id 123456789

The request goes through without warnings/errors but nothing is posted in right place and nothing is returned.

Thanks for any idea about this problem.

Used tutorials:

How do you post to the wall on a facebook page (not profile)

Best Answer

$facebook->api('/123456789/feed', 'post', array(
    'access_token' => $token,
    'link' => ''

Note the 'post' part.

If you look at the source for the API via the link you provided, you'll see:

protected function _graph($path, $method='GET', $params=array()) {
    if (is_array($method) && empty($params)) {
      $params = $method;
      $method = 'GET';

When you don't have 'post' as the second argument and your array as the third, it goes a get