PHP preg_replace error


I have the following code:

protected function safePath($path) {
        $path = (string) $path;

        $path = preg_replace(
        return rtrim($path,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

After I execute the function with a path, I get this error:

Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Compilation failed: unmatched parentheses at offset 3 in ……/myfile.php on line 534

where line 534 is this one marked with here:

protected function safePath($path) {
        $path = (string) $path;

        $path = preg_replace(
            ),   <---------------- THis is line 534
        return rtrim($path,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

Any help with fixing this error ? Thank you.

Best Answer

in the final regex, you've escaped the opening parenthesis but not the closing one


should perhaps be...

                       missing slash

...or perhaps the slash shouldn't be there at all. Either way, its inconsistent.