Php – preg_replace(), no ending delimiter ‘$’ found


Alright, this problem seems to be way above my head!

I have this code:


This throws me an error:

preg_replace(): No ending delimiter '$' found

But here's the thing, that ending delimeter is certainly there.

After that function call I echoed out the following:

echo $webRoot;
echo $requestUri;
echo '$(^'.str_replace('$','\$',$webRoot).')$i';

This is the result of those echoes:


What is funny is that if I do this directly:

preg_replace('$(^/)$i','',$requestUri); works. But this also fails:


And just to be thorough, I also tested what echo $tmp gives, and it does give the proper value:


Is it a bug in PHP in Windows? I tried it out on Linux server and it worked as expected, it didn't throw this error. Or am I missing something?

Just to make sure, I even updated PHP to latest Windows version (5.4.2) and the same thing happens.

Best Answer

Well, I personally would use another character as a delimiter like '#' since the $ char is a regexp special char which matches at the end of the string the regex pattern is applied to. That said the few times I had to work on windows servers I found that every regular expressions has to be passed through preg_quote function, nevermind if it contains or not regexp special chars.

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