Php – Storage in laravel says symlink – no such file


I deployed laravel app on shared hosting in public_html/app folder. Here is everything from public folder. In /../../files I have rest of files. When I do php artisan storage:link in files folder my console says

  symlink(): No such file or directory

On localhost I upload files to storage/uploads folder. What to do now? I tried to change links but nothing works for me…

Best Answer

  1. Go to /public directory and run:

    rm storage

  2. Go to Laravel root directory and run:

    php artisan storage:link

Edited on May 1st 2018

This problem comes when laravel project is moved/copied to some other folder.

The storage link is still there thus causing the exception error. public/storage folder exists and points to wrong location and it needs to be deleted with rm storage command.

After that run php artisan storage:link in terminal and it will create the storage link.

This needs to be done EVERY time when laravel is moved/copied/deployed!

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