Php – Symfony2/Doctrine2: Generate entities that are outside a bundle


I'm trying to generate entities for my Symfony 2application. The entities will be shared by several bundles (and maybe several applications), and thus I do not want them to belong to a bundle.
I want them to be in the src/MyApp/Entity folder.

I already have the YML for my entities, stored in src/MyApp/Entity/config/doctrine (class1.orm.yml, …)

I'm trying to generate the corresonding PHP classes using the doctrine:generate:entities task

Here is what I have in my app/config/config.yml

    auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
    auto_mapping: false
        type: yml 
        prefix: AppRest\Entity 
        dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../src/AppRest/Entity/config/doctrine

Here is the command I use to generate the entities

php app/console doctrine:generate:entities AppRest/Entity

Here is the exception I get

Bundle "AppRest" does not exist or it is not enabled.

I want to make doctrine understand that I'm not trying to generate entities tha are in a bundle. I also tried specifying the –path option (–path=src/AppRest/Entity), but it did not change anything.

Can anyone help ?


I removed the extra space in my dir, which solved the problem. The path option must be specified

Best Answer

Actually, I was just missing a space in my dir option above. This works now, but I'm still wondering whether that's the best way to go.

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