Php – Symfony2 Service Container – Passing ordinary arguments to service constructor


I have this Paginator class constructor:

class Paginator
    public function __construct($total_count, $per_page, $current_page)

The Paginator Service is registered in Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/config/services.yml like this :

    ibw_jobeet_paginator.class: Ibw\JobeetBundle\Utils\Paginator

        class: %ibw_jobeet_paginator.class%

When i use the Paginator like this:

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

$total_jobs = $em->getRepository('IbwJobeetBundle:Job')->getJobsCount($id);
$per_page = $this->container->getParameter('max_jobs_on_category');
$current_page = $page; 

$paginator = $this->get('ibw_jobeet_paginator')->call($total_jobs, $per_page, $current_page);

I get this exception:

Warning: Missing argument 1 for
Ibw\JobeetBundle\Utils\Paginator::__construct(), called in
/var/www/jobeet/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line
1306 and defined in
/var/www/jobeet/src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Utils/Paginator.php line 13

I guess there's something wrong in passing arguments to the Paginator service constructor. Could you tell me, How to pass arguments to a service constructor ?

Best Answer

Well, to answer your question, you pass service constructor arguments using the arguments parameter:

        class: %ibw_jobeet_paginator.class%
        - 1 # total
        - 2 # per page
        - 3 # current page

Of course that does not really help you out much since the parameters are dynamic.

Instead, move the arguments from the constructor to another method:

class Paginator
    public function __construct() {}

    public function init($total_count, $per_page, $current_page)

$paginator = $this->get('ibw_jobeet_paginator')->init($total_jobs, $per_page, $current_page);
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