PHP syntax highlighting in Visual Web Developer

PHPsyntax highlightingvisual-studio-expressvisual-web-developervwdexpress

I recently installed PHP 5 on IIS, however, I am unable to find a PHP syntax highlighting plug-in or extension for VWD. Where can I find a plug-in? I thought there was an official one.

Best Answer

Consider PHP IDE for Visual Studio.

I have used this and it adds a lot of nice PHP specific features to Visual Studio.

From their site...

Editor and File Management

•PHP4 and PHP5 Support

•Syntax Coloring for PHP, Smarty, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML and XSLT

•File templates for PHP, Smarty, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML and XSLT

•Intellisense for PHP, Smarty, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML and XSLT


•XDebug and DBG support

•Debug PHP, JavaScript and .Net in one single session

•Built-in Apache web server for ease of debugging. Preconfigured with Php4, Php5, XDebug and DBG.