Php – TCPDF don’t display image with writeHTML


this question seems an evergreen on TCPDF…
I have an issue that's driving me crazy.

I have an html code that I use as "template" for my PDF, here I have my company logo.
Everything works fine on localhost (Windows), but when I move online, the image is not shown.
Pay attention: I don't get any error (ie the Unable to get image error) on my PDF the image is simple blank!
Infact if I click on the PDF on the position where the images it's supposed to be, I can select it, and Adobe enables the option "Copy image".

Obviously the image exists, is here, and permission are correct.
If I try to surf there, or view the generated HTML page, everything is fine.

This is the PHP code:

$pdf->SetMargins($params->get('pdfMarginLeft', 15), $params->get('pdfMarginTop', 27), $params->get('pdfMarginRight', 15));

$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);

$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 8);

$pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');


Then this is my HTML code (I just skipped everything except the image):

<img alt="logo black" src="../images/logo_black.png" height="60" width="210" />

I've tried with the url (relative and absolute) and with the path (relative and absolute), the problem still occurs.
Any ideas?

Best Answer

This wasn't your problem, but it's a possible solution for people with a similar issue in the future. Please make sure the HTML attributes have double quotes.

$html = "<img src='...' />"; // This will not work

$html = '<img src="..." />'; // This will work