Php – tcpdf for Arabic display the characters as question marks ‘?????? ???’


I wanna create an Arabic pdf as same as the file witch I had in ms Execl format. While creating the pdf using tcpdf in php the Arabic charactors are displyaed as '????' marks.

The characters are copied from my excel file

$htmlcontent2 = '<span color="#0000ff">"مجوهرات السليمان"This is Arabic "مجوهرات السليمان" Example With TCPDF.</span>';

$pdf->WriteHTML($htmlcontent2, true, 0, true, 0);

the output file display as below,

??? ???? ?????? ??????This is Arabic "??????? ????????"
Example With TCPDF.

Best Answer

I solved this issue by adding the following line:

$pdf->SetFont('aealarabiya', '', 18);

It turned out that you need to set the proper font type to remove those ugly ????? characters.

The exmaple mentioned in this link was very useful to solve this issue.

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