Php – Unable to upload file to ftp server using php

file uploadftpPHP

I am trying to upload file to FTP server using php but it is not getting uploaded.


   $response =<<<RESPONSE
    <cdm:header exportTime="{$export_time}" baseVersion="{$baseline_snapshot_id}" version="{$this->snapshot_id}">

   $handler = fopen($log_file_name, 'w');
   fwrite($handler, $response);

   $server = "";
   $ftp_user_name = "adoshi";
   $ftp_user_pass = "*******";
   #$source = $handler;
   $mode = "FTP_ASCII";
   $dest = "/home/adoshi/ftp_folder";
   $connection = ftp_connect($server);
   $login = ftp_login($connection, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
   if (!$connection || !$login) { die('Connection attempt failed!'); }
   $upload = ftp_nb_put($connection, $dest, $handler, $mode);
   if (!$upload) { echo 'FTP upload failed!'; }

I have provided all login credentials proper and so still wondering that why it is not uploading to remote server using php.

Any guidance would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

You dont need to create a file handler to upload them you just need the path to that file and the filename like this

$destFile= "test.htm";
$lokal_file = "test.htm";
$upload = ftp_put ($connection_id, $destFile, $lokal_file, FTP_ASCII);
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