Php – Using Microsoft Excel via an ODBC Driver with PHP


I am trying to insert data and select data from Excel using an ODBC connection. I have managed to connect to it:

$dbh = new PDO("odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};Dbq=$file_name", $username, $password);

However, I am unsure how to query Excel as there is minimal documentation for this! I attempted this:

$query = "INSERT INTO $sheet ($cell) VALUES ($value)";

$result = $dbh->query($query);

But this leads to an error:

Array ( [0] => 07002 [1] => -3010 [2]
=> [Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] The Microsoft Office Access database
engine could not find the object
'Sheet1'. Make sure the object exists and
that you spell its name and the path
name correctly. (SQLExecute[-3010] at
ext\pdo_odbc\odbc_stmt.c:254) [3] =>
07002 )

By object, hopefully they mean an excel sheet?

Thanks all for any help

Best Answer

do you need to use ODBC? I always find it a pain in the *.
If you're not forced to use ODBC, I suggest you try the PHPExcel class available here (not affiliated) which has made reading and writing Excel from PHP very easy for me on numerous occasions.

if you've opened the Excel sheet with Excel and verified that it does in fact contain a worksheet with the name 'Sheet1', you may want to broaden your search - is the worksheet or cell perhaps locked against editing? that can result in the weirdest errors.

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