Php – WAMP Server 2 Error when Open


I have installed the WAMP server 2 in my Laptop and the Operating system using is Windows7. When I try to open PHP MyAdmin it always gives the following message in the browser.

HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.

So when I try to put the server online it gives this error message:

wamp server could not execute menu item (internal Error) [Exception]
could not perform action: The service has not been started

enter image description here

Does anyone have any idea why this happens like this?
I can't anymore open the PHP my admin or Localhost.

Best Answer

The server offline has no relation to your problem.

Click on the icon in the system tray, and check that Apache and MySQL are on. You do this from

Apache>Service>(check that start/resume service is disabled)

MySQL>Service>(check that start/resume service is disabled)

If Apache is not on, click start/resume service. If it still doesn't come on, click on Test port 80 This should tell you if port 80 is blocked (usually Skype blocks it. In that case, exit the program blocking port 80, start Apache and then you can resume the program that you terminated earlier)

If Apache is on, and the icon is still orange, it means MySQL is either (a) off or (b) running independently.

If MySQL is off, turn it on in the same way you would have done for Apache

If MySQL is separately installed, check the configuration from


Look for something like

The following options will be passed to all MySQL clients
password = root
port = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock

and put in the proper password and port for your mySQL instance