Php – Xdebug not working with PHPStorm


I use PHPStorm along with Xdebug to step through my code. PHPStorm is running on a Windows 7 machine, and my local webserver is running on a separate CentOS 6.4 machine. I've done a phpinfo(); to verify that Xdebug is being loaded by PHP, and it is. The following are the settings for my Xdebug in the PHP.ini:

    xdebug.remote_enable = 1
    xdebug.remote_port = 9000
    xdebug.remote_host = ""
    xdebug.remote_log = "/var/log/httpd/xdebug_log"

I similarly setup PHPStorm to use my CentOS server as the debugging server, and I listen for connections. I assigned static IPs to both of these machines. Using a Chrome Xdebug plugin to set the appropriate cookies, I attempt to set a breakpoint, but nothing happens. When I go to look in /var/log/httpd/xdebug_log (which has 777 permissions), nothing is written there. I've opened up port 9000, and I can telnet from my CentOS machine back to my Windows machine on port 9000 no problem. I also set SELinux to permissive, but to no avail.

Any ideas what could be happening here?

Best Answer

Try to configure your project in PhpStorm

  1. Open Settings->Languages & Frameworks->PHP->Debug
  2. Uncheck the "Ignore external connections through unregistered server configurations" option
  3. OK
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