Php – Zend Framework 2: Auto disable layout for ajax calls


An AJAX request to one of my controller actions currently returns the full page HTML.

I only want it to return the HTML (.phtml contents) for that particular action.

The following code poorly solves the problem by manually disabling the layout for the particular action:

    $viewModel = new ViewModel();
    return $viewModel;

How can I make my application automatically disable the layout when an AJAX request is detected? Do I need to write a custom strategy for this? Any advice on how to do this is much appreciated.

Additionally, I've tried the following code in my app Module.php – it is detecting AJAX correctly but the setTerminal() is not disabling the layout.

public function onBootstrap(EventInterface $e)
    $application = $e->getApplication();
    $application->getEventManager()->attach('route', array($this, 'setLayout'), 100);



public function setLayout(EventInterface $e)
    $request = $e->getRequest();
    $server  = $request->getServer();

    if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
        $view_model = $e->getViewModel();


Best Answer

Indeed the best thing would be to write another Strategy. There is a JsonStrategy which can auto-detect the accept header to automatically return Json-Format, but as with Ajax-Calls for fullpages, there it's good that it doesn't automatically do things, because you MAY want to get a full page. Above mentioned solution you mentioned would be the quick way to go.

When going for full speed, you'd only have one additional line. It's a best practice to always return fully qualified ViewModels from within your controller. Like:

public function indexAction() 
    $request   = $this->getRequest();
    $viewModel = new ViewModel();

    return $viewModel->setVariables(array(
         //list of vars
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