Php – Zend_Form: How to add custom HTML


I 'am bussy creating a form with zend_form to add a page to a website. This form is for a CMS.

This is the code:

public function init()
        // display errors on top
            array('FormErrors', array('markupElementLabelEnd' =>'', 'markupElementLabelStart' =>'')),
            array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'dl', 'class' => 'zend_form')),

        // Set standard properties

        // Textbox for the page title. The textbox is required
        $title = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('title');
              ->setAttrib('placeholder', 'Title')
              ->setAttrib('autofocus', "")

        // WYSIWYG editor
        $wysiwyg = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('pagecontent');

        // Advanced CSS
        $css = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('css');
            ->setAttrib('rows', 10)
            ->setAttrib('cols', 60);

        // Advanced JS
        $js = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('js');
        $js->setLabel('Java Script')
           ->setAttrib('rows', 10)
           ->setAttrib('cols', 60);

        // Build form

             // Add submit button
             ->addElement('submit', 'add', array('label' => 'Add'))
             ->addDisplayGroup(array('css','js'), 'advanced',array('disableLoadDefaultDecorators' => true));

        $advanced = $this->getDisplayGroup('advanced');
            array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'div', 'id' => 'div_advanced'))

         * Remove Errors decorator from all elements
         * so that they don't also display them
        foreach ($this->getElements() as $element) {

Now I want to toggle the advanced component with jQuery. But to for this to work I need a link.

So my question is, is there some one that knows how to do that? Or even better has some one a custom form element that can add all types of html?

Thank you,

Ivo Trompert

Best Answer

If your advanced jquery script is related to some particular element - you could decorate it with ViewScript. It allows you to apply any html to the current element.

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