Php – ZIP Archive sent by PHP is corrupted


I am using php ZipArchive to create an zip file on-the-fly and send it back to the user. I temporarily store the zipped file in a folder above document root and then send it back with the code

header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.("").'"');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
$fh = fopen($file,'rb');

after having first issued a


to ensure that that the file isn't open. The issue I have run into is this – the stored zip file is a valid archive which I can open in Windows 7, 7Zip, WinZIP etc. However, when I send the file down with the code above it ends up with an 0xD 0xA pair at the start of the file which is enough to render it corrupt. I cannot figure out where those characters could be coming from. Is this a known bug with fopen/fpassthru? Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

I found when removing the header("Content-Length:".filesize($file)); line it fixed my very same problem...