PHPExcel Freezepane not working


for ($char = 'A'; $char <= 'Z'; $char++) {
for ($i=1;$i<=100;$i++){
// Write the PHPExcel object to browser as HTML
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'HTML');


Freeze not happened for the " A " (First column) column.

Attached screen shot FYI.showing first column(A Col) details here
Freeze not happened for the " A " (First column) column.
When i scroll COL A not freeze, col A also hidding.
When i scroll COL A not freeze, col A also hidding.

Best Answer

the freezePane() coordinate should be a cell reference for the top-left cell of the non-frozen part of the worksheet, so


tells Excel to freeze rows above row 2, and to the left of column "B"... i.e. row 1 and column "A" will be frozen.

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